William “Bill” Vencill is Associate Vice President of Instruction, where he oversees a range of programs within the Office of Instruction, such as Academic Honesty, Assessment, Domestic Field Study, Office of Online Learning, Washington Semester Program, ROTC programs, and the Gwinnett Campus. He has served in this role since 2017.
Previously, Dr. Vencill served as a faculty member in the Crop & Soil Sciences Department, where he conducted research and instructional programs on pest management issues. He was the Undergraduate Coordinator for 20 years before coming to the Office of Instruction.
Dr. Vencill has served in a number of university-wide roles in faculty governance including chair of the Executive Committee of University Council (2007-2008), University Curriculum (2002-2004, 2006-2008, and from 2012-2016), and chair of the Educational Affairs Committee in 2007.
Dr. Vencill also served in the provost’s office from 2008-2010 as an Academic Leadership Development Program fellow where he chaired the 2010 UGA Strategic Plan.
He is an alumni of the University of Virginia – Wise in Environmental Science and has two graduate degrees from Virginia Tech (M.S. and Ph.D. in Plant Physiology).
Office: 311 New College
Phone: 706-542-9575
Email: [email protected]