An advisor and a student

Academic Advising Services supports staff and faculty across campus to provide the highest quality of advising to University of Georgia students.

Advising at the University of Georgia is decentralized, and each school and college has an advising office for students within that school or college. Faculty and professional academic advisors help undergraduate students understand the options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, academic resources, and course selection. Academic advisors engage students in meaningful relationships designed to support and encourage a challenging and successful undergraduate education.

The Office of Instruction supports advisors through:

The Office of Academic Advising Services coordinates advising efforts across campus, including

  • Academic Advising Coordinating Council (AACC)
  • the Academic Advising Awards and
  • Advising Workshops
  • SAGE, the advising platform that all undergraduates and academic advisors use for appointment scheduling, planning and documentation, early alerts, resource referrals, and to-do items

Advising also coordinates the SAGE Academic Progress Survey in the fall and spring, where faculty can give students kudos or raise concerns. 

The office works with units within Instruction, including Curriculum Systems and the Registrar, as well as advising offices in UGA’s schools and colleges to improve advising efforts and support across campus.


Academic Advising Services
University of Georgia
314 New College
Athens, GA 30602

Phone: (706) 542-6777
Email: [email protected]

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