Heather Skyler

Heather Skyler


Heather Skyler is the Director of Communications for the Office of Instruction. With a background in media relations, marketing and journalism, she is dedicated to advancing the university’s strategic vision through compelling storytelling and effective communication strategies.

Prior to taking this role, Skyler was Senior Managing Editor for UGA’s Division of Marketing and Communications. Before beginning her career at UGA, she taught writing at several institutions and was a lead editor and writer for a variety of publications, most recently The Orange County Register in California. 

Skyler earned her B.A. in Literature and Creative Writing from Miami University in Ohio, and her M.F.A. in Fiction from the University of Washington. She has published two novels, one with W.W. Norton and the other with Skyhorse Publishing. Her non-fiction essays and journalism have appeared in the New York Times, Newsweek, and many other publications.

Office: 317 New College
Phone: 706-542-5626
Email: [email protected]





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